A solid weekend for Lennox Racing Team in the the fourth round of Champions of the Future

Cremona is always a special appointment for our team during the season: once again the event did not disappoint and everyone worked at the highest levels to obtain the best possible result, despite the strong heat which certainly conditioned the workflow. We have been represented in the Junior category by Noah Wolfe, Matias Orjuela, and Louis Castellini and in the OK category by Petr Ageev and Ean Eyckmans, at his absolute debut with the team.

Wolfe and Orjuela confirmed once again their huge progress with two high-level performances. Noah found a great speed since from qualifying practice when after a surprisingly good lap he caught a P6 in his group staying really near to the best times scored during the session. The English driver kept his good flow even in the heats, starting with a top 10 in the first one and continuing even better with more than one top 5 placement on Saturday. Starting from 14th spot in the final, Wolfe finally concluded his weekend in the best possible recovering six positions and crossing the line in more than deserved P8.

Matias had some more difficulties, especially during qualifying practice, but he completely changes his destiny recovering 13 positions in one of the heats and constantly fighting for the first 10 positions in the others: the aggressive approach of the Colombian driver turned out to be fundamental even on Sunday during the final when thanks to a 9 positions comeback he was able to catch a final P22 which doesn’t reflect at all his weekend. Louis Castellini was unfortunately unable to qualify for the final stages of the weekend, but despite the difficulties caused even by a tricky track like Cremona he never stopped giving their best, showing significant steps forward.

In OK Eyckmans had an astonishing impact on our team and workflow: Ean seemed at ease with the new materials and in particular was able to immediately find strong confidence with our chassis, as seen still from free practice. After some little problems during qualifying practice, the Belgian driver has increased his pace a lot during the heats, fighting always for a top 10 placement and concluding in P27 the heats merge after a very solid Saturday. But Eyckmans gave his best in the final race, in which was completely dominant and recovered 12 positions: unfortunately, a 5 seconds penalty didn’t afford him to catch a top 10 placement, but his P14 at the debut is obviously promising for the rest of the season. Ageev, on the other hand, did his best without however being able to qualify for the final: this time too many difficulties in the various sessions prevented him from fighting for an important result.

Jordon Lennox-Lamb, Team Manager: “This competition has reached an incredible level and I’m very happy to see our drivers fighting hard for the first positions, even during their hardest moments: their mentality is highly appreciated and pushes all of us to always give our best. I was particularly impressed by Eyckmans’ debut, settling in like this right away is not for everyone: we are very happy to have him on our team, as well as our other drivers. All together we form a high-level team and in Cremona, we proved it again”.