Strong weekend for Lennox Racing Team at the KZ/KZ2 World Championship

A sunny sky and a more than reasonable temperature were the perfect background for a spectacular weekend in Wackersdorf, one of the most exciting tracks for kart races. We were represented by Matteo Viganò in KZ and by Maxim Rehm, Gabin Leuillet, Matheus Morgatto, Robin Glerum, Jose Antonio Gomez Gutierrez, and Jesper Sjöberg in the KZ2 category.

Matteo Viganò once again put on track all his qualities in another weekend managed at a very high level from start to finish, ended with a fourth place that, while it has a rather bittersweet taste, represents another piece of his impressive growth path. Despite a qualifying practice ended in P12 overall, Matteo kept pushing even harder during the heats catching a top 3 and two top 5 placements which meant a P9 in the intermediate classification. On Sunday the Italian driver, started from P10, maintained an impressive pace, ending his weekend in fourth place after recovering 6 positions thanks to an aggressive but also incredibly strategic approach. Despite missing the podium, in terms of speed, Matteo was certainly among the most consistent drivers on the track.

Impressive job also from our drivers in KZ2. Morgatto was the highest-placed Lennox Racing Team driver, finishing 11th after an excellent race and coming close to a top finish or maybe even something more: the Brazilian driver seemed particularly strong on the Wackersdorf track in all sessions, maintaining a consistent and convincing pace in qualifying and heats as well. Lots of bad luck instead for Maxim Rehm, forced to settle for 25th place due to some tricky situations that heavily affected his final result. A real shame for the German driver, the best of our team in qualifying (P10 overall) and generally very fast and aggressive also during heats. Gabin Leuillet, on the other hand, leveraged as usual his great consistency and ability to understand even the most difficult moments, obtaining another excellent placing: his P15 finish, a result on the rise and in some ways beyond expectations after some problems encountered in qualifying and heats, certainly bodes well for the upcoming season’s events. Robin Glerum, Jose Antonio Gomez Gutierrez, and Jesper Sjöberg, unluckily didn’t manage to qualify for the final, but they did an excellent job over this weekend: none of them ever gave up in the face of difficulties and each one always pushed himself to his limits, always giving his best.

Jordon Lennox-Lamb, Team Manager: “So many great placements and the knowledge that once again we were able to be there to play for an important result: we leave Wackersdorf stronger than before and even more convinced of ourselves and of our workflow, which is constantly evolving also thanks to the fantastic approach of our drivers who demonstrate weekend after weekend that they firmly believe in what we do. With this approach, I remain convinced that we must not set ourselves any limit, in the present and in the future”.