Challenging weekend for Lennox Racing Team at the first round of WSK Final Cup

It was a weekend that was not easy, however, our drivers showed consistent speed, giving their best and bringing home the highest possible result despite some bad luck. The team was represented in OK Junior by Mees Houben and by Zoe Florescu. Louis Castellini and Ean Eyckmans in the OK category.

The weekend started impressively well, especially for Eyckmans, who put himself in P3 in his group for qualifying (P6 overall). A difficult session for Castellini, while Zoe at her return in our team was forced to stop due to a rib problem. Ean continued to be very fast in the Heats as well, always staying in the very high positions and finishing them with a remarkable fourth place. A real appetizer of an extraordinary and exciting Final race by our Belgian driver, who started from the fifth position and pushed from the beginning to the end fighting like a lion: he didn’t catch the podium, being only 36 hundredths of a second. A small disappointment that should not at all detract from a splendid race by Eyckmans, who also finished with the fastest lap showing that he is ready to play for victory in every race also in the next appointments of the season. Other important steps of growth instead for Castellini, who despite some problems never stopped having a positive attitude even in a tough weekend in terms of placing.

It was not an easy weekend for Houben. The Dutch driver encountered some unexpected difficulties in adapting to the track, but he was good at not giving up even when he had to deal with difficult situations. After a 12th-place finish in his qualifying group (P34 overall), Mees made up ground in the heats thanks to an aggressive approach, ending the two-day heats by gaining seven positions from qualifying. Despite the 27th starting place in the Final, Houben never gave up and earned 12 more spots after some spectacular overtakes. Unfortunately, his race ended with a 23rd place finish also due to a penalty. A result that looks pretty much like a real starting point for future races as well.

Jordon Lennox-Lamb, Team Manager: “We had very important responses especially from our drivers. Ean was extraordinary and would have deserved this podium for the race he did, but we are sure that he will be able to confirm himself on these levels. Castellini and Houben had to deal with some unlucky situations but they showed great determination. The whole team worked very well, I’m really happy: now we have to remain on this path to catch more satisfactions”.